Jaune 25 pastels
Étui cartonné de 25 pastels
Composition de l'étui de 25 "Jaune" :
97 98 99 100 101 102 117 115 113 112
139 140 198 297 298 299 300 301 302 346
343 368 369 371 372
Jaune de Naples, Ocre jaune, Ocre foncé, Violet au jaune, Jaune de cadmium, Jaune de chrome, Jaune orange, Gomme Gutte
Poids : 600g
Dimensions :
L 41
l 14
h 10
1 avis pour Jaune 25 pastels
I have them for some time now, and they are just GREAT! I also orderd the 25 reds, and now I am thinking why not the blues and greens as well? Perhaps when I am on holyday in the Perigord this year in May. Montignac is not that far from our temporary address. :-) The pastels are top, so why not?
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